Monday, February 19, 2007

The Thirst Before the Fire

How do you thirst for a fire?
I senselessly search for you. Then you tap me on the shoulder in the dark, in my dreams, just to let me know you are still here. I continuously make this difficult and you faithfully show me how simple it should be.


Cathy said...

A generation unveiled..I love that! Just yesterday a friend and I were working in our office, and suddenly out of nowhere we were overcome by intercession- we were looking at pictures of our 20's young people, many who are no longer walking with the Lord. We both spontaneously began to cry out to God for this generation: to heal, restore, bring them into their identity and destiny, and into sonship and adoption .. I dont know how long it went on but it was a powerful time.
I believe that God is up to something with this generation..

1. They have a great amount of compassion - unfortunately the enemy has used this to make them focus on "feeling" rather than faith and the word of God - God is going to "shake them up" and "bring them back"Ezekiel 39:25-26 (he refers to this generation as "Jacob")
2. They have a specific identity and destiny in God, to bring down the spirit of religion and materialism in western culture - unfortunately, many have been caught up in this very thing and are now becoming disillusioned
3.They will repent and turn from the world and its pleasures which, like the prodigal son, have made them empty and unfilfilled..this generation will help to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and the hearts of the children back to the fathers..for they have been a 'fatherless' generation. God will heal them and be their father..he will use them for the healing of families and the healing of nations..

Blessings on you and may you find wholeness and completeness in Him only..I'll pray for you :)

HOpe you dont mind the comment

Unknown said...

hmmm, just thought I'd drop by... interesting that fire looks like water when you control the amount of oxygen given to the thirsty flames. Just to mix metaphors a bit :)

Unvailed said...

Mind the comment? You're kidding right? Thanks for taking the time!

It's odd that you would post a comment about this generation, I am working on a post about just that.

Thanks for your comment too. All I know is that all my life I have heard about this Godly fire that consumes your life. The year or so, I have been so thirsty to burn for Him.